Sunday, February 18, 2007

Who's corrupting who?

Tonight, Saturday night, at nine o’clock I went to the supermarket with my mum to buy wine and chocolate biscuits
and also,
in a way that I hoped would seem unplanned,
to bump into my client Andrew who works there.
I wanted my mum to meet him,
cos he looks like a combination of Dr. Phil and one of my ex-boyfriends.
I searched the aisles while my mum chose a wine.
Suddenly, I saw Andrew coming out from the back of the store and cutting through the deli.
“Hey, gidday Andrew, how’s it going?”
“Hi Gemma.”
He smiled and gestured proudly at his uniform.
“You look so smart. How’d your shift go?”
“OK. What you up to?”
“Me and my mum are here on a late night hunt for wine and biscuits.”
Andrew pointed at a podgy woman with a butch haircut.
“Is that your mum?”
“No, there she is.”
My mum walked over to us.
“Andrew, this is Vivie, Vivie, Andrew.”
He shook her hand.
“Vivie, I like that. Vee vee.”
He looked at the bottle of red wine she was holding.
“Is that merlot?”
“Yes, it is.”
“My sister has a red boxer called merlot.”
My mum said
"How weird, that's so coincidental. Or what's that word? Serendipity?"
Andrew grinned, looking from the bottle to me then to my mum.
“The question is, who’s corrupting who?”
We all laughed and my mum went off to find some biscuits.
“Hey, did you get that stuff I sent you about study?”
“Yeah, but it wasn’t really what I wanted. I think I’d more like to get into software programming or something.”
“OK, well, I’ll start looking for some stuff on the net on Monday.”
He chuckled and gently swiped my arm.
“Geez girl, you’re all work.”
“Yeah, maybe so. Well, Andrew, I’ll leave you to get home.”
“OK, see ya.”
I don’t remember how Andrew looked as he walked away
and since I’m leaving my job soon it probably was the last time I’ll see him.
In the car I asked my mum
“So, did you think he looks like James?”
“Yes, and Dr. Phil, and Vladimir Putin, and that guy from ‘the Gilmore Girls.’ It’s the eyes.”
I drove us along Centreway Road and thought
this world is actually stark and unequal in lots of ways,
and even if my hope isn’t worth much,
I hope Andrew makes it.

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